Cheap Freedom?

It’s been awhile,

Yes, it’s been awhile.

Since I’ve celebrated Independence Day,

Since I’ve celebrated Freedom Day.

It feels strange,

Strange to be in my own country.

American flags proudly waving in the sky,

Red, white, and blue wildly splashed on doorposts, t-shirts, faces.

You can’t miss it, you can’t hide it,

You can’t avoid it, you can’t deny it.

It’s Independence Day,

It’s Freedom Day.

Picnics, fireworks, barbecue,

Friends, family, fun.

It’s something to celebrate,

But not something to take for granted.

We live in a country,

A country of freedom.

You can do what you want,

You can say what you want.

You can be what you want,

You can dress as you want.

You can believe what you want,

You can practice what you want.

Freedom, may we never forget,

Freedom, may we always remember.

The great cost for our freedom,

What people paid for our independence.

May our freedom, our emancipation,

Our salvation, our celebration.

Never become cheap!


Reflections from the Studio #2: Faking it
