Will You Take Time to Listen?

Every week, I go to the safe house to sit and listen to stories of survivors of human trafficking. I realize that some of you, many of you, may never have an opportunity to meet a survivor face-to-face and hear her story.

Today, I invite you to stop whatever you are doing, sit down, and take time to listen.

Just by listening, you can make a difference.

Each of these women’s stories are valuable and worth hearing. 

An Invitation to Listen

I would like to invite you to pour a cup of tea, coffee (or your favorite drink), sit down comfortably, and listen to this woman’s story. Before you begin, I strongly advise you to grab some Kleenex. You can’t watch Mae Lee’s 8-minute story without being deeply touched and shaken to the core. 

You Made a Difference!

Do you know that you just made a difference? You just took eight minutes out of your busy day to listen to this woman’s story.

Listening to her story mattered. Loving her mattered. Caring for her mattered. Crying with her mattered. Sitting with her mattered.

You just made a difference—just by sitting down and listening to her story. Her voice has been silenced too long. 

Thank you for listening.

What About You?

Have you ever heard the testimony of a woman rescued from sex trafficking? How did it impact you to listen to Mae Lee’s story? What will your response be?


The Crossing


Today, I Would Rather...