All For This?


Grief by Kim Peters


All for this?

Did I give it up all for this?

Did I really give up everything for this?

Did I really give up my family,

My parents, my son?

All for this?

Did I really give up my country,

My language, my culture?

All for this?

Did I really give up my tragic life

In North Africa?

All for this?

Did I really trade my broken life

For another broken life?

All for this?

Surely there is more,

More than this broken life,

I now hold in my hands.

Surely there is more,

More than the sadness and suffering,

I now hold in my heart.

Surely there is more,

More than the vivid memories,

I now hold in my mind.

Surely there is more,

More than the pain and abuse,

I now hold in my body.

Surely there is more,

More than the strawberry fields,

More than the darkness and men.

Surely there is more,

More to my life than this,

More to my story than this.

All for this?

Did I give it up all for this?

Did I really give up everything for this?

All for this?

Poem by Marci Renée

Art by Kim Peters


I'll Never Look at Strawberries the Same Again.


Move Mountains for Survivors of Human Trafficking